
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Leap of Faith

I am the Queen of trying to please everyone. I want to take into account everyone's happiness before giving way to my own, even if that means putting aside my own wants, opinions, or goals. I will [embarrassingly] admit that I care about what others think of me to such an extent, that it causes me great fear to go out of my comfort zone. I am shy. I keep to myself a lot. and I very rarely take chances on anything I am not 110% sure about. I can't tell you the last time I did something spontaneous, just for the experience. I've never been one to travel for any other purpose than need to do so, for fear of financial loss. Forget educational or spiritual gain. I've never thrown myself into something I am passionate about and shared it with others, because I was worried what people would think or say. I have always been hung-up on being the "perfect" friend, daughter, sister, girlfriend, cousin... that I hid some of myself.

But, what does that say about me? That I am scared to show people my true colors because I fear people will dislike me, or talk negatively behind my back. What if some of our greatest leaders decided not to speak about their passions and dreams because someone else didn't agree? Time for an overhaul on these feelings. I have booked a flight to Pittsburgh next month, to join a group of 15 other women who are helping to inspire and educate others on living a healthy lifestyle. I have also jumped full force into my position as an Independent Team Beachbody Coach... something I was always skeptical about before. Now that I am in it, I see things through a completely different mindset. I have also realized that not everyone is going to love or agree with every single thing I do, say, or write. But, that doesn't mean I shouldn't stand behind my own opinions, passions, feelings, or actions.

I am working hard to become a future NICU nurse. I put in countless hours in school, at work, and on a business to educate others in the areas of health and fitness, so that they may lead their best lives in terms of physical and mental health and well-being. I strive each and every day to be the best daughter, sister, girlfriend, family member, friend, and coworker that I am fully capable of. I have dreams... BIG dreams! and I am not going to stop reaching for them. I will continue to spread my light and embrace my passions, talents, and knowledge to those who need it most. I won't give up even when I've reached these monumental goals. I am making a lifelong commitment to myself to continuously live better, happier, and healthier than the day before. 

A wise women once said, "You have the opportunity to use your life... your BELIEFS, your TRIALS, your God given talents, and your heart to help INSPIRE others to live their best life. Don't dull your light so that others feel more comfortable! RADIATE your truth unapologetically, knowing that when you do... you are living God's purpose for your life."

I couldn't have said that better, myself.
Dream it. Believe it. Achieve it.

God Bless. xo

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